Thursday, June 18, 2009

Work In Progress

I have been sidetracked lately and unable to focus on art or much else for some reason. But I feel like I'm back in business. Sometimes you just have to step away from what you are doing. Here is something I'm working on now. It's a painting and has a few more hours of work before its completed. I had a different color scheme going and maybe that is what put me off. The colors were not working together and it was taking entirely too many layers for my gold paint to look, well, like gold. So I opted to forgo the gold paint and instead am using a bright poppy red. I think I'm pleased with how this is shaping up now. Here is a little corner of the painting... let me know what you think!


Chris said...

I really like this! A few days ago I started getting into doodles, and this looks kind of like one, but not really because it's so well integrated and looks like a big, full blast of impact. I like the colors. I actually like the tan, too. Please be sure to show a photo when it's finished.

Strawberry People said...

Aw, thank you! I am still struggling with this one. It's just taking a long time to complete. And unfortunately, I took too long and my paint has dried up... oh well! I'll just have to mix up some more! But it's almost there. I'll make sure to post it!